Linden Hill Capital provides Real Estate Advisor Services to The Arabian Group and is a third party entitiy. We are proud to be among the first investors that participated in Linden Hill’s first round since Dr. Faisal Al Monawer is a Equity Limited Partner, responsible for Strategic Advice and Business Planning, at Linden Hill.
Linden Hill predominately focuses on residential real estate development in the Greater London area with deep experience in periphery transit zones. Linden Hill current and future project sizes range £5mm to £50mm in value. Our investment criterion is driven by Return on Asset targets (ROA, ROE, IRR), Stress Tested leverage targets (LTV, LTC), and demographic/commute KPIs (commute times, income statistics, crime statistics).
Linden Hill’s core focus is the UK listed REIT, homebuilder, and contracting/supply chain linked sectors. Listed equity securities are the firm’s primary vehicle of choice. Linden Hill indirect strategies are market neutral and seek to isolate fundamental factors on which the firm has high conviction of changes in magnitude or direction (For example: Central London real estate underperforming periphery London real estate). The Firm also uses it’s indirect real estate skills to help manage risk for its direct real estate exposure (For example: neutralizing a direct investor’s exposure to the market partially through a project using public equity markets).